
Household Tasks

Household Tasks

These tasks include a range of activities that enable participants to live independently in their homes and communities.

Household tasks may include:

  1. Cleaning and tidying: This includes tasks such as vacuuming, dusting, cleaning bathrooms and kitchens, and changing bed linens.
  2. Laundry: This includes washing, drying, folding, and ironing clothes and linens.
  3. Meal preparation: This includes planning and preparing meals that meet the participant’s dietary requirements and preferences.
  4. Shopping: This includes grocery shopping and other household errands.
  5. Home maintenance: This includes minor repairs and maintenance, such as changing light bulbs, fixing leaky taps, and mowing lawns.
  6. Personal care: This includes assistance with grooming, hygiene, and dressing.

Our Services


Accommodation / Tenancy

Assist-Life Stage, Transition

Assist-Life stage, Transition

Assist-Personal Activities

Assist-personal Activities

Development-Life Skills

Development-Life Skills

Household Tasks

Household Tasks

Participate Community

Participate Community



Daily TasksShared Living

Daily Tasks/Shared Living

Innov Community Participation

Innov Community Participation

Live Your Best Life

 A philosophy or approach to life that emphasizes personal growth, self-improvement, and pursuing happiness and fulfillment in all areas of life, such as career, relationships, health, and leisure.